Learn with Science: what works & what doesn’t

Julianna Jia
3 min readDec 4, 2020


Notes on learning how to learn Coursera course

Some key concepts: how learning happens exactly

when we are learning, we are building and neural connections.

learning has two modes

  • focus mode
  • diffuse mode
  • problem-solving needs both: focus mode gives sequential & logic procedures while diffuse mode provides holistic views and creativities
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  • working memory: campacity of 4~ chunks
  • long term memory: memories are intertwined with each other, which can be rewrite and need re-consolidation (why space-learning matters)
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  • compact packages of information that your mind can easily access
  • bounded through meaning & use
  • can serve as libraries to transfer knowledge

The How-tos

How to make a chuck

  1. Focused learning(attention needed)
  2. Understand (and understand doesn’t mean you can create a chunk/AHA moments don't mean solid expertise)

3. Gain context & big picture (knowing how and when to use/not use)

4. Practice (Doing)

How to overcome procrastination

procrastination happens when your brain channels you to something easier and happier, when perceived you meeting challenges, and can be viewed as a habit, thus we can overcome it by harnesssing such a habit.

Habit has the following elements

  • the cue
  • the routine
  • the reward
  • the belief

to tackle it

  • focus on process more, less on the outcome
  • Use Pomodoro technic
  • minimize the interruptions

to harness your habit

  • change the cue (e.g., time, location, feeling, reaction)
  • routine (e.g., to have a plan/ritual, no wifi connection)
  • replace the reward
  • the belief (develop the mindset)

other tips

  • make a list of tasks to free your working memory for problem solving
  • not too long a list
  • get reasonable time esimation
  • set up a finish time

The truth of common myths: what works and what doesn’t

  • Doing is always better than reading.
  • Asking questions help, since it means active engagement, than passive listening.
  • look at the answer and think you mastered it doesn’t work (Illusion of competence)
  • Exercises/workout helps (new memory neural are born!)
  • Gain context works
  • Multi-tasking does not work. Instead, focus on one thing one chuck of time.
  • Repetition works, especially spaced-repetition (good for long-term memory building)
  • to show off is not a good learning motivation
  • Overlearning is not working.
  • Recall works while re-reading doesn’t.
  • highlighting content doesn’t work.
  • Mindmap does not work that much until you recall first
  • Interlearning works (mix-up your learning, and solve different type of problems)
  • multi-channel works (reading, doing, listening, saying ,writing)
  • Sleep is an important part of learning, which helps deepen the neural patterns (review what you learned before sleep works)
  • Hanging up for testing is not working since the knowledge neural pattern is not strong, hence you will forget what you learned very soon.
  • Building a strong neural pattern takes time, so space out your learning, don’t crush learning
  • Mistakes are valuable as long as you can learn from them
  • Visuals, creating metaphor/mnemonic or analogy help
  • there’s a trade-off btw more working memory and more creativity (no need for genuis envy)
  • learning is NOT a linear progress

Final Tips on how to learn better

  • Explaining/teaching to others in simple language a complex concept you learned is a good way to internalize your learning
  • spaced-repetition helps
  • Gain context & big picture: picture walk before studying section titles
  • Create concept chucks to operate later
  • Recall what you learned.
  • Limit your highlighting to a minimum and only mark key ideas.
  • Instead of highlighting, write notes in your own words in the margin
  • Prepare your test beyond your usual place of study helps
  • Deliberate practice (focus on the difficult ones works)
  • Repetition & Practice enhance the chunks
  • Deliberate practice + Interlearning gives flexibility and creativity
  • exercise help a lot (walking/running/relaxing helps to enter diffuse mode)

Good resources to refer to

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